Evaluation and Progression

I find this image really interesting because it shows the reflection of the trees so vividly on the water. The image reflected onto the water is distorted due to the rippling effect that water has. This image makes me feel really peaceful because the trees are green and full of life and the water is calm. The reflection would hold a different shape if the trees were bare and the shape wouldn't be as full. If the trees were to be bare when I had taken this picture, it wouldn't be as enclosed and the trees wouldn't have reflected as well due to more light getting through. Furthermore, I really like this because it shows a clear reflection through a crisp shape of the trees on the water. This picture just seems to be uplifting which is why I like it.

I used Photoshop to intensify the colours and therefore the reflection on the water. I made some major adjustments to the exposure, saturation and vibrancy setting because I wanted the colours to look abstract and unrealistic. I really like the final outcome because it has made the orange colour more visible - I barely even noticed that the original picture had any orange tints in it because they were not vibrant. The reflection on the water is more sharp which is why I think that the adjustments I have made work extremely well with the subject topic.
I chose this picture as one which I really liked and wanted to look at further and try to progress it because I like the wide scale shot, fitting both the sun and the reflection in. Within reflection photography, I think that it is more effective to include the object actually being reflected within the picture. For example, in the picture shown above, I did not just photograph a picture of the reflection in the water however, included the trees too. I like how the colours in this picture are all similar (grey/bluely tones). The lack of variety of colours means that the sun and the reflection overpower any other elements in the picture that we may get distracted by. There is no overpowering colours which we are drawn to as they are all fairly dull which means the reflection and the bright sun are the focus points.

I chose this picture as one which I really liked because I like the reflective surface of a man made building. I had taken this image previously when visiting London. I think the fact that the sky was overcast this day is particularly helpful because it looks better in black and white. I like this because it is different to the other pictures shown above due to the fact that it is showing a reflective surface of a building rather than reflection on water. I like how it is in black and white because the reflection is outlined better. In my opinion, this image does not need any further adjustments made to it because I think it already shows reflection well.
Overall, I think that my series of images which I presented, focusing on the subject of reflection photography could have been improved. Therefore I returned to this project to take some images which presented reflection to a better standard.
Here is an image which I took to progress my take on reflection photography further. I took this image while on a trip to London. I took this as a good opportunity to capture some more interesting photos for this topic. I really like this image because it is more of an intriguing take on reflection than some of the previously shown images. The sun reflects brightly on the water here. I like the skyline in the background as it creates a more interesting background for the images.
Shown here is another image which I took to show progression within my work. I took an image showing reflection in a mirror. In the reflection you can see my two friends. The large mirror meant that I could capture a large reflection within it. I think that this is a large improvement to some of my opposing images within this particular focus. I should use Photoshop to improve the lighting etc of the image.
I like the way that you have edited the images well done..