Thursday 3 November 2016

Framing Image Bank

I chose this picture as one which inspired me because I like how the photographer has taken the whole idea of 'framing' to another level, however is the most simplistic idea. They have literally just taken a frame and placed it within a picturesque setting. This idea is so simple but clever. It creates an illusion because it makes us question how the frame could just be hanging there - is the frame actually hanging on a wall and the scene is the background? The frame divides the picture into two parts - the part presented within the frame and the rest of the scene. It makes us think about how the picture would differ to this is the frame had not been placed there, or even placed in that specific position - what would look different is the photographer had placed the frame to the right or left rather than directly in the middle? 

I chose this picture as one which inspired me because I really like how a happy, ideal autumn setting is presenting through the gap within the tree. It gives us a glimpse of life on the other side of the tree. I find this interesting because the photographer has just come across this specific tree that has grow to form a hole in the middle and they have taken the unique opportunity to use it to frame a peaceful setting. I could use this idea when thinking about framing photography. 

I chose this image as one which inspired me because I like how the picture has been positioned and the frame of the plane window has been used cleverly to outline the skyline. The small, rounded window gives us a small glimpse of the outside world on the other side. There is no other objects in the picture that we can see but sky which reminds us that this is actually a picture that someone has taken thousands of feet up in the air. 

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