Evaluation and Progression
I chose this picture as one which I wanted to explore and adjust because it has potential to show motion really effectively. In my opinion, catching falling water is fairly hard due to the limited amount of time you have to catch it at a precise moment. I adjusted the shutter speed setting to 1/2000th of a second because this would catch the photo extremely fast. adjusting the shutter speed helps towards capturing a effective picture an extraordinary amount. When looking at photographing motion, I have enjoyed working with objects that you can move yourself. For example, in this case, I was able to tip the bird bath as much as I want, enabling as much water to flow out as I required. Furthermore, this meant that I could take several pictures, pouring out different amounts of water each time. I like the colours here such as the deep red pigment within the bird bath and the dark green grass. These contrast because they are complimentary colours meaning they work well together. These colours again contrast with the clear water which is really focused and outlined. The bird bath is slightly unfocused which I think is good because we focus more on the falling water rather than anything else.

To progress this picture, I only made some subtle adjustments using Photoshop. I think that the picture already worked really well with motion. It shows use of freeze frame as an effective technique to present motion photography. In my opinion, the original picture was effective, but dull and therefore, I used Photoshop to adjust the exposure, brightness, vibrance and contrast. This made the picture brighter as a whole and which made the water stand out better. By adjusting the vibrance and contrast, the water droplets were more defined. I cropped out some the bird bath from the picture because this is not what I want people to focus on. Also, the adjustments I made on Photoshop, made the colours more saturated. this meant that the deep red colour turned more to a purple colour which i don't think worked well. If I were to take this picture again, I could try to cut out some of the bird bath, focusing purely on the falling water.
Here is an image of pampas grass which I have taken to represent motion photography. There is little motion but I like how the plant is gently swaying in the wind. I managed to capture it by using the camera settings: shutter speed 1/225th of a second and an f stop of 2.8. With these settings, I was able to produce an image which capture a small amount of movement and wasn't too dark in colour. The movement shown looks soft and gentle. The dull dominant colours work well with the slow movement, creating calm and sensual feelings. The overcast and cloudy sky creates a particular coldness when looking at this image, making it look crisp.

To progress this image, I used Photoshop to change it into black and white and adjust the curves, making the dark tones darker. I think that this image looks better in black and white because it creates a sense of blandness and adds further calm feelings. I then adjusted the vibrancy, expose and gamma correction to ensure I had manipulated it to create an image which presented a effective outline of motion and also was intriguing.
I chose this image as one which I wanted to focus on and progress because I like the fast spinning motion that I have been able to capture of the roundabout. My camera settings were f stop 2.8 and a shutter speed of 1/1000th of second. This meant that I was able to capture an image containing a perfect amount of light and the object spinning particularly fast. I like this image because it is hard to work out were the poles of the roundabout would be placed because they are blurred and repeated in the picture.

To progress this image I used Photoshop to change it in black and white and adjust the colour levels in the picture. I wanted to turn it into black and white because I did not like the contrast of the purple, orange and green because I do not think that they work well together. I wanted to make the lighter colour of the poles stand out massively because there were a lot of dark tones in the mage that could have drawn the attention away from the blurred motion of the poles. I then adjusted the contrast and vibrancy of the image to ensure the poles really stood out against the roundabout.
I chose this image as one which I needed to improve and/or retake because firstly, I have taken it at a completely wrong angle (its's on it's side). I should have used a tripod to ensure that the image was not blurry and that I captured the falling water accurately without my hand shaking. I also don't like the clouds very much because it looks dull and the water does not contrast well against them. Therefore, I could retake this image using tripod and at a better angle and use Photoshop to change it into black and white.
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