Thursday 24 November 2016

Landscape Straight Images

  I like this image because I think that it has potential to be a good landscape image. I like it because it is peaceful and I like the autumn colours such as orange and yellow. The trees represent vertical lines, which imply strength and direction. I also like this picture because the trees are mostly bare, which allows us to see parts of the overcast sky. I could use Photoshop to make the colours more vibrant and eye catching as they are fairly muted and dull here. By doing this, the autumn colours that I like will be intensified.

  I chose this image as one of my favourite takes on landscape photography because I like how our eyes are lead into the picture due to the long straight pavement. I like how there are no distractions in this picture ad the landscape is completely empty, because it does not divert our eyes anywhere else. I could use Photoshop to turn this image into black and white as I feel it would look better this way. I could also use the dodge and burn tool within Photoshop to create more defined tones.

I chose this image as one of my favourites because I like the light coming through the clouds and how the sky looks dainty and soft. I also like it because the sky is really the only bright thing in this picture. This image presents me with feelings of freedom and relaxation which  may be due to the spacious area that I have photographed. I may edit this photograph to make other areas more visible and enhanced rather than just the sky.

  I like this image of a car park because it is different to what I would usually photograph for landscape photography and is a more unique idea of landscape. I like the reflection of the light onto the floor and the low ceiling. However, I could use Photoshop to make some adjustments regarding the colours and tones in this image because the image displayed above presents some suffocating and depressive feelings in my opinion.

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