Evaluation and Progression
To progress this image, I used Photoshop to adjust the exposure, saturation, gamma correction and contest. This made the autumn colours in the trees really stand out as they were originally quite dull and dark. This image now makes me feel warm due to the orange and yellow tones. they stand out against the white background. The lines represented in the picture are more prominent. I really like this image because the colours are intense which portrays the wide variety of colours we see in autumn.
I like this image because the long pavement means our eyes are led towards the end of the picture. I also like how the picture looks simple and tidy but is still effective. I like the mixture between greens and yellows however, I think that I should convert it into black and white because the colours here are darkened due to the overcast sky.
To progress this image, I used Photoshop to convert it into black and white. I think that this works better because it highlights the tones in the picture better. I used the dodge tool in Photoshop to highlight specific areas within the picture. I also used the burn tool to darken some areas of the sky. I have consciously made adjustments which are more effective in 'leading' our eyes to a certain area. I think by using these tools, it has created a picture which represents landscape from a different perspective. If I were to the this image again, I would take it more centre orientated so that our eyes lead straight into the end of the picture.
I like this image because it is different and is not something people would usually think represents a landscape. I like the damp patches on the floor because they are reflective of the light above. This picture has an opposite effect to the alternate images because it does not supply me with a warm feeling. This is because the colours here are very bland and cold, unlike the warming oranges and yellows. However, I like this picture because it presents landscape photography in a different way.

I made subtle adjustments to this image using Photoshop because I think that it worked very well previously. However, I used Photoshop to change it into black and white, adjust the contrast, curves, exposure and offsets settings. I think that these changes work well because the black and white is well suited to the damp and cold nature that this image portrays. I also used the dodge tool to highlight some particular areas which I wanted to be more highlighted and I used the burn tool to create shadows in areas which I wanted to be darker. This image contains a range of tones and portrays landscape effectively and intriguingly. If I were to take this picture again, I could use a tripod to steady the camera while taking the image at a lower angle.
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