I chose this image as one of my favourites because I really like how the reflection is so vivid and clear. I also like the orange tones effected onto the war (maybe by the sun) because it adds more interest to the picture. The reflection is distorted due to the rippling effect of the water. I find looking at reflection from water is intriguing because I like to see how the shape of the object has been distorted. For example, in this case, the outline of the tree looks jagged. This may also be a good way of presenting distortion surrounding shapes in photography.
I chose this picture as one of my favourites because I really like the simplistic nature of it. The bird bath looks blurry but a really clear reflection of trees can be seen in the reflection. I could use Photoshop to change it in black and white and crop out any unwanted objects in the picture. i could also take the picture at another angle to capture more of the reflection rather than just a segment of it. i like how you can see the bright autumn colours in the reflection as the other colours are fairly dull. Without the reflection, this image would not be particularly intriguing.
I chose this picture as one which was my favourites because I like how the sun is incorporated into the picture and how you can see the soft skyline. I think that it is effective to incorporate the object that is being reflected within the picture. I like how the coloured are muted because it outlines the reflection better. When editing this, I could change it into black and white so that the reflection is highlighted further.

This image is one of my favourites because it is different to the others shown above. This is an example of reflection on a reflective surface. It is different to the others because it shows reflection on man made structures rather than reflection on water. I took this image previously when I had visited London. I like it because it is in black and white which shows the reflection more effectively.
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