Sunday 13 November 2016

Motion Straight Images

   I really like this image because I find capturing falling water extremely intriguing. This is an example of a freeze frame image and I feel as if I have achieved the action and freeze frame of falling water very well. It is hard to take a picture of falling water due to the short amount of time you have to take the photo. I adjusted the shutter speed setting on the camera to 1/2000th of a second so that I was able to catch the water falling at the right moment. Adjusting the shutter speed when aiming to capture a photograph such as this one is very important.I like how the bird bath is unfocused and the water is in clear focus because it means that the water is the thing we purely focus on and is eye catching. 

 I chose this image as one of my favourites because I like how the roundabout is spinning so fast that we cannot clearly work out where the dividing poles are actually positioned. This is because again, by adjusting the shutter speed I was able to catch the roundabout spinning at a fast pace. It looks blurry due to the speed that it is going which creates an illusion. This is an example of a motion blur picture which I think I have managed to capture pretty well. I like the idea of photographing things which you can move yourself in order to create motion blur because you can move (spin in this case) the objects at whatever speed you desire. I think that this picture would look better in black and white because I do not like the colours. 

  I like this image because it shows motion blur again as movement of a human body. The hand looks blurry because of the waving movement that the person is presenting. Even though we know the form of a hand, it is hard to work out the distinct shape from this picture due to the blurriness, I could look further into photographing people performing different actions such as fast walking, running, riding a bike, hair flicking or playing sports to represent motion blur. I like the background in this picture because it is neutral and does not contain any distractions. It is also a good background to present motion blur because the pale skin contrasts with the dark tones of the trees/bushes which makes it stand out more. 

 I chose this picture as one of my favourites because I like how I have captured the wind chime swaying back and forth. This is another example of freeze frame because I have taken a still image of an object that is moving. The wind chime is moving naturally with the wind and I did not have to move it myself. I really like the lighting and how focused it is because the wind chime is contrasted against the neutral background. 

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