Monday 17 October 2016

Tone Straight Images

   I chose this picture as one my my best because the contrasts in tone between the dying leaves and the alive leaves is significant. The picture presents some green colours which are saturated in tone and some brown and yellow leaves which are muted tones. If I were to edit this picture using Photoshop, to turn it into black and white, we would be able to see the major differences between the harsher tones and the softer tones, without knowing which tones were dominant in the original picture. The black pavement which we can see slightly, adds extra contrast to the picture; this would be easier to see if it were in black and white.

  I like this photo because it is a representative of tones within portraits. I explored how different lighting and different backgrounds can create different effects. For example, here I photoshopped her using dull lighting which was reflected onto her face are and a dark background. This create a harsh effect and could be classed as more masculine lighting. In this particular instance, the jumper that she was wearing contrasts majorly with the different tones. It adds a bright white tone which can be selected alongside the tones shown within her hair and face. Half of her face is dark due to the position of the lighting, which contrasts with the opposite side of her face, which is brighter. 

    I really like this picture of the sky because it is filled with clouds that consists of different tones. There are a lot of dark tones, which is why the bright tones make a big impact. The small segments of light tones such as the patch of sky and the bright light shining through, break the picture up and are more noticeable due to the amount of dark tones visible. However, although the picture shows tone well already, I will use Photoshop to turn it into black and white; this will contrast the soft and harsh even more. 

   I like this picture because it is an alternative to the harsh lighting image that is previously shown. It was taken in very bright, soft lighting and shows more details. There is less of a range of tones in this picture and little contrast. This lighting looks more 'elegant' and more feminine - it doesn't make you look like a criminal! Her skin looks soft and there are no dark tones on her face in comparison to the once shown previous. The background is lighter than her skin tones, hair tones and the colour in her jumper which creates contrast, but very little of it. I could adjust this photograph using Photoshop to increase the variety of tones shown. 

 I chose this image to be one of my straight images because I think that once edited, it will show up the different darks and lights within the beaches, leaves and the sky. I think that I have taken it at a good angle because it is from underneath the tree; this shows the different tones starting from the core of the object, right out to the edges of the branches. I will use Photoshop to adjust the different tones, especially incorporate more dark tones so that the image will represent the subject topic of form more efficiently. 

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