Sunday 30 October 2016

Shape Straight Images


  I chose this picture as one of the best one which I have taken to represent shape photography because I like how the two different watches were different widths and lengths, and how the faces of each watch were different. Furthermore, they each held a different shape. The watch on the right, had a watch face which contained smaller circles and lines etc, adding further to the subject of shape. The watch links were different lengths and widths, but still held a similar shape(s). They also reflected shadows differently, probably due to the angle that I have taken the photograph on (the camera was probably not positioned accurately in the middle of the two objects). The white background helps the different shapes and different reflections of the objects stand out more. The watch positioned to the right, may appear of a thicker width, however the heavier shadow reflected by this watch may make the watch appear a thicker width. This is effective because it outlines how photographing a certain way can distort the shape and it's size etc.

    I really like this image because I feel as if it is a more adventurous take on shape photography. I like how the tree is bare because it creates a more unique shape in comparison to if the tree was full of leaves. The smooth skyline with the sunset in the background works well with the out line because it makes it more distinctive. I had taken this picture previously however, I think that it works particularly well with this subject topic. When working on my progression for this photograph, I will use Photoshop to make subtle adjustments such as: trimming the black border edges around the image, changing it into black and white to show the dark and light tones and possibly adjusting the contrast, brightness and vibrancy. These changes however subtle, will make a extreme difference to the effectiveness it creates relating to the subject topic.

  This image is probably one of my favourite takes on Shape because it is well focused and I like how each element here fits together well. For example, the blue tones shown in the background contrast the white flowers. I like how the outlines of the petals are soft and smooth. However, I could use Photoshop to adjust the contrast so the outlines of the flower is more visible. This way, it would be more effective when looking at the shape certain objects create. I also like how the flower in the foreground is the only one which is in focus because it causes us to focus solely on the shape an individual flowers holds rather than looking at several flowers.

1 comment:

  1. I think there is some work to be done on this post as there are some missing elements e.g. The chandelier cut glass crystals and the flower image is a little tooo dark on my screen it should be edited to show an wider tonal range...?
