Wednesday 5 October 2016

Texture straight images

   I chose this as one of my favourite photographs which I took because it is well focused and I like how close up it is. As shown in my texture image bank, the images were taken as close up shots to clearly show the textures in an object/objects. A close up shot causes us to we at the different textures within this photograph such as the smoothness of the corroded bricks and the roughness of the stoney ground. We would not usually look at the ground and view the different textures within it and look at how and why the contrast  so taking a picture like this, takes everyday objects and looks at tiny details within them which would go ignored. The bricks are different tones and some stand out more than others. Incorportaing colour within subjects such as texture, mean that certain textures stand out more than others. This picture causes us to look at individual bricks one by one, starting with the ones which we see first (like the ones in the front of the pciture).

  This photograph is one of my favouriotes because I like the different depths of the ridges in the wood. I am immeditely drawn to the deepest ridge because this shows the most amount of texture. I like how wood within the topic texture shows rough surfaces and shows clear lines/cracks within it. This helps us to think what the image would look or feel like if we were to have the objection front of us. The photo is extremely focused to the point where we can see some discoloured splashes on the wood. This breaks up the rough texture and make it more interesting.

  I chose this photo as one which showed texture extremely well because the cracked painted surface is extremely focused upon. The deep cracks and peels on the paint are reflected by the beam of light in the top left hand corner which illuminates the texture. The saturated colour red intensifies the cracks and peeled surface. I was interested i photographing a painted surface to show texture because I think you can take a lot from it, especially one such as this because of how deep the cracks and ridges are.

  I think that this photo is on which shows texture well. The texture is shown exactly how people who would imagine that bricks would look and feel in real life. The angle which i have taken this photo at works well with the subject topic because I have taken it from a close enough angle to present vivid texture.

  I like this photograph because the textures are all different. Thee is not one specific texture throughout the image like the ones shown above. I look more closely at each individual slab to recognise the different textures in them. There are some rough surfaces and ridges as well as smooth surfaces shown which is why I think that this shows texture well - the photo explores different textures and incorporates them into one. There are different beige tones shown in this photo which outline the different textures. For example, there are some smoother textures which are light beige in colour and some rougher textures which are a darker beige.

1 comment:

  1. a very good series here and quite creative, you need to work on your technique as some images seem to lack sharpness, perhaps with your new camera you will be able to master it. well done on the creativity aspect.
