Monday 3 October 2016

Form Image Bank

  I chose this photograph as one which inspired me because I like the spiral shape that shells create. This is a object which I can use to create a more interesting way to present line. When photographing form, it works best when presented on a plain background, so we can really focus on what's happening in the foreground and what form does the object hold rather than getting drawn away by the colourful/patterned background. I would like to use the idea of photographing shells in the topic form.

  I chose this picture as one which inspires me because I like the idea of taking an object belonging to nature and photographing the way in which it naturally grows and therefore, the form which is holds. Pine cones create an interesting outline because there are gaps within it - this is more interesting than photographing a pear (for example).  Again, the background is blurred and plain which it good because it does not overpower the object which we are meant to be looking at and what we are meant to be looking for.

  I chose this photograph as one which inspired me because I like how it is in black and white - this avoids distractions even further because there is little else to focus on other than the form. I also like how the petals of the flower and pointing downwards and are not a visible. This forces us to look more closely at the middle of the flower and the shape which this creates. I like the idea of photographing flowers to represent form because it is again, something which grows naturally and I think that it is more interesting to look at how objects form naturally and the shape which the make rather than something that have been deliberately made (for example a statue) to create a specific shape.

  Lastly, I chose this photo as one which inspired me because I find how by photographing water and the processes of it splashing, it really interesting because it is hard to capture these details. In this photo shown, the water is shown in different stages - the first stage is the balloon, which takes a pretty smooth form however, once burst, the balloon disappears and the water holds a similar shape to the balloon however is more jagged. Furthermore, the last shape is completely distorted which I find really interesting.

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