Thursday, 8 September 2016

Line Defintions

A line represents a "path" between two points.
A line can be straight, curved, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or zigzag. 
Horizontal lines imply tranquillity, peace and harmony
Vertical lines imply power and strength.
Diagonal lines imply movement, action and change.
Curved lines or S shaped lines imply quiet, calm and sensual feelings.
Lines that converge imply depth, scale and distance - a fence or roadway converges into the
distance provides the illusion that a flat two-dimensional image has three-dimensional depth       
             This picture consists of a mixture of straight horizontal line and curved horizontal lines. The lines curve round the body which is laying down. The fact that the lines curves round the body so naturally may imply the person is in a peaceful state and a tranquil environment.                             

          This picture shows vertical lines in the form of trees. Trees could be conveyed as powerful because they give essentials for surviving in everyday life. The vertical lines are long which could also suggest strength and power.  


        The diagonal line expressed in this picture is a stairway. The stairway could suggest movement or walking in a different direction (for change).

                        The river in the picture is a curved 'S' shape. The idea of a naturalistic setting implies calmness. The river presented in a S shape, shows it flowing gently around the curves. This creates a quiet, calm feeling when observing it.

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