Friday 23 September 2016

Colour straight images

  I chose this photo as one of my best because I like the way it shows muted colours such as the dull grey and off - red colour. I also like the angle of the photograph and instead of taking a close up shot of the colours I took it from a long distance away and pointed the camera upwards. The muted colours may have presented a boring side to the photo and therefore, I think that taking the photo from this angle prevented it from being too boring. If I were to retake this photo, I would take it at a different angle to prevent the background from being too over powering and cancelling out the muted colours.
This photo is one of my favourites because I like how the colours are intense and very saturated. I also like how the balls are unintentionally set out in a way which compliments each other - there are none of the same colour which are next to each other. I also like how there is no background colour which interferes with the intense colours. The objects are of a wide variety of colours and is a more intriguing way of showing saturated colours rather than just photographing a painted surface. 

I chose this picture as one of my favourites because the blue and yellow contrast well with the muted colours in the background. This picture fits well into the topic of colour because it consists of both saturated and muted colours. The blue lid and the yellow liquid contrasts well with the dull background. I also like how it is positioned - I think this is more interesting than just photographing a picture of a bottle standing against a dull background. A close up shot mess that I could capture the bright colours against the background completely, without anything interfering. 

This picture consists of analogous colours: red and green. The individual colours work well together and both stand out. I like how the background is bright which makes the whole picture brighter in general. The colour red links to warmth and the colour green links to nature which I think this photo links to well. 


  1. are red and green complimentary colours? if so change your blog as you have stated analagous..?

  2. Where is your contact sheet for colour?
