Monday 16 January 2017

Research Post Composite Image Making (George logan)

 George Logan was born in Belshill, near Glasgow, Scotland. He studied at Blackpool college of Photography before moving to London. Even as a boy, George's fascination with the animal world was evident as he regaled classmates with stories of the African farm he'd been raised on and the exotic surroundings he'd left behind. Tall tales these might have been, but the imagination and passion that inspired them is clear to see in George's fine art work today.

   I really like this piece of wok produced by George Logan because it displays an idea which I am passionate about. The photographer has placed an animal within a context that we would expect to see a human in. It makes us question if we would care as much if it was a 'homeless' animal than if it was a homeless person. The idea of a monkey (who obviously belongs in the wild being able to roam freely) becoming homeless, emphasises the idea that the actions of the human race destroy their 'homes'. It is not difficult to realise that many animals are driven from their natural environment solely due to the things we do to make this happen. Many people may not think about the scale of the problem because we never actually witness this happening. Therefore, the photographer has consciously placed the animal on the side of the street with a sign and some rubbish laying around them. We would usually expect to see a human who is homeless in this position but the fact that it is an animal instead, highlights the immorality of the situation. I could possibly use a similar idea when I produce my own work.

  I really like this photograph taken by Logan because elephants are an animal which I find interesting due to their simplistic beauty. Logan wanted to explore his interests surrounding safari animals, which he discovered when he was a child. He wanted to picture what these animals would look like in a rural area such as Scotland. You would usually expect to see an animal such as this in a area filled with the warming orange tones (golden grass, sunset in background etc) as we have always seen animals such as elephants in that context. Therefore, Logan challenges the imagination of people and encourages them to think outside of the box. We may find it particularly hard to imagine animals such as elephants, lions, hippos etc in this context which is why I think that Logan has created something unique which guides our imagination to picture the elephants actually walking across this bridge with the green fields in the background. Logan also wanted to present the animal with traits he knew they had. For example, the elephants here are travelling in a pair which causes us to think about the traits particular animals posses.

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