Monday 30 January 2017

Connecting Essay 4

Faye Godwin

  I chose this piece of work produced by Godwin because it is similar to my focus when looking at landscape photography. She loved to photograph pictures of natural land areas such as fields, forests and so on. I took a similar focus when looking at landscapes because I enjoy finding new areas which I can photograph. It opens up many windows rather than just photographing similar things such as buildings (they all look similar and therefore it would get boring). I like how she has found a spot whereby the pathway which is created by the separation of the trees is broke up by a fallen tree which curls round. She has shown how nature is unpredictable. Furthermore, by photographing static objects such as buildings, the shape/ presentation of them never changes where as, a photographer could walk through a forest and find several spots to take images which would all differ from each other.

 The image pictured to the right is one which I took when searching for interesting places to photograph which involved the presentation of natural land. I used Photoshop to switch the image into black and white to further represent similarities between mine and Godwin's work. This image is similar to the one shown above because I have captured a similar walk way whereby the trees lead into a pathway. I took a similar approach to that of the photographer by taking landscapes of groups of trees rather than individual ones. I also did not photograph the whole tree, mainly just the bodies of them as did Faye Godwin. I like this image because it has a mysterious feel to it because our eyes are lead towards the end of the 'pathway' created by the positioned trees which makes us want to devour deeper into the forest.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good comparison work with the tonal range and curves to improve the outcome it could be a final image for portfolio
