Monday 16 January 2017

Composite Image Making

Composite image making is how an image made using several other images which has been manipulated to form the image.

  I think that composite image making is acceptable in some circumstances such as pictures in magazines. The pictures are only deemed as acceptable if they are used in a unharmful way. For example, creative purposes. In contrast, it could be used to create fake headline stories or to edit an image to present something in a desirable way which fits society. For example, putting the head of someone of a different body, to make them look desirable. Therefore, I think that composite image making is only acceptable in the right context.


  I used two Photoshop to combine two images together: one of the river Thames in London and an image of a yellow duck. I first placed resized and copied each of the three ducks and pasted them onto the background. I then used the

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