Sunday 1 January 2017

Documentary - Shoot One Straight Images

I took this picture in Canary Wharf, London. I like this image because it shows the built up and busy part of London that I wanted to present. I like this image because the tall buildings in the background are muffled and not vivid. We cannot see any details of the buildings, only the outlines which means that we focus on the group of buildings as a whole and what they mean rather than individual buildings. I like how the sky is a mixture of soft orange and blue tones because it creates a pleasant background. I will use Photoshop to makes adjustments to the image such as cropping etc.

I took this picture on the London Eye. I seized this as a great opportunity to take a landscape photograph of the extremely built up city that London is. As you can see, there are lots of buildings and houses. London is a very busy and popular place and the London Eye is just one of the many things in London that people visit on a daily basis. I like this image because it really does show how built up London is. I think that this picture is really interesting because it is unique and it is unusual to see London from above as a take on landscape photography.


  I chose this image as one of my favourites because again, it shows how busy London is. I took this in one of London's underground stations. I was able to catch people rushing around the train station to get to where they want to be. I like it because within this freeze frame, I was able to present just how busy London can be on a average day. I was also able to catch a small amount of motion blur when people were walking and rushing. Furthermore, I think that this image is interesting because it would not be what you think of when imagining landscapes.

I took this image in Oxford Street, London which consists of many popular shops which large groups of people visit often. Oxford Street is constantly busy due to the large demand of people wanting to shop there. Therefore, I wanted to photograph how busy it is. 

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